Applying a kid-glove approach, clients are provided comprehensive financial literacy education from qualified, experienced culturally competent providers. Additional services include, affordable housing education, credit counseling - one-on-one coaching with strategies to begin building assets, start savings programs and evaluate investment and wealth building opportunities. HOMECo's staff are experienced and certified in multiple areas including loan origination, lending, foreclosure counseling, prevention and mitigation services. We also offer pre- and post-homebuyer education to help homebuyers keep their new home.
The recent passing of the HOME bill has resulted in two key funding sources for lending to HOMECo constituents:
As part of our community development goals to address housing disparities, HOMECo is on track to create 192 units of housing - including 144 multi-family rental units, 37 single-family owner units and 11 single-family rental units during the five-year period of our business plan. In fact, we are ahead of schedule, with over 140 units completed to date.
Business Development
To date, HOMECo has supported over 440 entrepreneurs providing additional wrap-around services that include technical assistance, continuing education and support with technology. As a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), HOMECo is positioned to provide lending services to specialty markets, homeowners and small businesses.